Message from managing director of Behro Consulting Engineers Co
One of the major indicators of the progress of country is developed and inclusive systems and infrastructures. Development of infrastructure leans on the thinking and innovation of engineers which plays an important role in creating connectivity, accessibility and comfort of users. Achieving sustainable development requires the development of infrastructure.
Behro consulting enginers within three decades of engineering activities, relies on technical knowledge and field experiences, the efforts and empathy of innovative and experienced engineers and staff, has tried to achieve the above-mentioned goals. In recent years, adding systematic and customer-oriented thinking and the integration of experts in various fields, Behro has provided the capacity of offering valuable services in suburban road and railway transport, construction industry, electrical and mechanical equipment, as well as a subway and railway rolling stock.
Today, stating a new step, Behro consulting engineers has programmed improving quality, safety and speed, as well as the development of its products and service portfolio in new areas in other metropolises of the country and middle-east. The main Behro concerns are achieving employers' satisfaction, effective presence in competitive markets and increasing the company's share of transportation and construction markets which leads the company plan to achieve strategic goals. The Behro consulting has also made cooperation with scientific and research centers, universities, educational institutions and scientific and engineering associations to increase the level of science and social communication.
For ever-increasing growth and comprehensive development, relying on divine grace, the support and hard work of creative staff and support of shareholders and stakeholders, we shake your hands to achieve a clean and interconnected world and experiencing sustainable development with you.